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There are some common emotional or mental health problems you may experience as a parent. Seek help early on so you can enjoy your pregnancy and baby.


Find out more about symptoms of mental ill health or how to manage an existing condition during pregnancy.

Find out about the different types of depression you might experience, how to spot to signs and what help is available for mums and dads.

The Birth Trauma Association offers emotional and practical support for women who experienced a traumatic birth and their families.

Including counselling and mediation.

Visit Herts Sunflower to report abuse or find support groups. You can speak to your health visitor too.

The NHS has advice on who to talk to, helplines you can contact and tips for coping.

Support for your child

The Childrens Sleep Charity offer sleep success workshops, clinics and leaflets.

Zero to Three explain how you can support your baby's social, emotional and intellectual development.

Includes coping with change, bullying, worries and bereavement.

Advice on growing up, relationships and managing your feelings.

Can signpost you to emotional and mental health support, whether it's for you or your child.


Postnatal depression

It's normal to feel teary or anxious in the first couple of weeks after birth. If you're still feeling it later on, you might have postnatal depression. It affects 1 in 10 mums.

NHSThe NHS has information on:

Feeling depressed after childbirth
Including the "baby blues", postnatal depression, postpartum psychosis and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Postnatal depression
Including symptoms, treatment available via your GP or health visitor, self-help and national support groups.

Hertfordshire Postnatal Illness Support is a local charity supporting families who are coping with postnatal illness.


Who to talk to

Your GP, midwife, health visitor or family centre can:

Refer you to specialist NHS services like the Community Perinatal Team.

Put you in touch with local support groups.

If you'd just like someone to talk to, your health visitor or staff at family centres can provide a cuppa and a friendly ear.

If you want help for your child, contact the school nursing team. Young people can also speak to them by phone or text.

You can contact some specialist NHS services directly, like the Wellbeing Service for talking therapy or the Single Point of Access for urgent issues.

If you feel like you're in immediate danger, contact your GP, call 999 or go to A&E.

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